Covert Ops Torp Fleet
Newbie and Low SP players are welcome
Staging: Check our in-game channel
We ask everyone to Dual-box where they can
- x2 Cov-alts
- Cov-alt & Hunter
- Cov-alt & Pool Party
- x2 Pool Party (EWAR is always needed)
Cov-alts are also fitted with flexible Electronic Warfare (EWAR)
Your fleet squad name is what you need to have fit
Please leave unused modules in the station
- Missile Guidance Disruptors: Reduces an enemy ship’s missile velocity and range, limiting their ability to hit fast-moving or distant targets.
- Tracking disruptors: Reduces an enemy ship’s with turret weapons to track and hit fast-moving targets, especially those engaging at close or medium range.
- Target Painting: Increases the size of the enemy’s signature radius, making them easier to hit, especially with missiles like torpedoes. This boosts the bomber’s damage potential by improving missile accuracy and effectiveness.
- Sensor Dampening: Reduces the enemy’s sensor strength, lowering their targeting range and locking speed.
- Warp disruptor: Applies a single “point” of warp core damage to the target, at 0 the target can’t warp out.
WARNING: Stay out of the “No Zone”
After the Cov-ops fleet drops on a target:
- Maintain Distance: Stay between 20-35 km from the target. This keeps you within optimal range for maximum DPS and EWAR but far enough to avoid Smartbomb AoE and Bubble traps coming through a cyno.
- Avoid smartbombs: Don’t get closer than 13 km to enemies using AoE smartbombs
- Be ready to bail at any moment: Stay aligned to something and keep your distance to prevent being trapped and unable to escape.
- RATS: NPC’s with warp disrupters need to be destroyed BEFORE the fleet warps off
By staying at the right range (20-35 km) and avoiding threats like smartbombs and bubbles, you can stay effective and safe.
Train Cov-ops lvl5 BEFORE T2 Torps
- Note that each level of cov-ops is +15% Damage & Torp Spec is only +2% per level
- That means that Torp-spec to 5 only gets you a +12% from Torpedoes-LvL4
SKILLPLAN – Train these & any frig to lvl5 first
Navigation 1
Navigation 2
Evasive Maneuvering 1
Evasive Maneuvering 2
Evasive Maneuvering 3
Evasive Maneuvering 4
Evasive Maneuvering 5
Warp Drive Operation 1
Warp Drive Operation 2
Warp Drive Operation 3
Warp Drive Operation 4
Warp Drive Operation 5
Science 1
Science 2
Science 3
Science 4
Power Grid Management 1
Power Grid Management 2
Power Grid Management 3
Capacitor Management 1
Capacitor Management 2
Capacitor Management 3
Power Grid Management 4
CPU Management 1
CPU Management 2
CPU Management 3
CPU Management 4
CPU Management 5
Gunnery 1
Gunnery 2
Weapon Upgrades 1
Weapon Upgrades 2
Weapon Upgrades 3
Weapon Upgrades 4
Shield Upgrades 1
Shield Upgrades 2
Shield Upgrades 3
Shield Upgrades 4
Thermodynamics 1
Thermodynamics 2
Thermodynamics 3
Missile Launcher Operation 1
Missile Launcher Operation 2
Missile Launcher Operation 3
Missile Launcher Operation 4
Warhead Upgrades 1
Warhead Upgrades 2
Warhead Upgrades 3
Long Range Targeting 1
Long Range Targeting 2
Long Range Targeting 3
Long Range Targeting 4
Electronics Upgrades 1
Electronics Upgrades 2
Electronics Upgrades 3
Electronics Upgrades 4
Electronics Upgrades 5
Spaceship Command 1
Spaceship Command 2
Spaceship Command 3
Covert Ops 1
Covert Ops 2
Covert Ops 3
Light Missiles 1
Light Missiles 2
Light Missiles 3
Heavy Missiles 1
Heavy Missiles 2
Heavy Missiles 3
Torpedoes 1
Torpedoes 2
Torpedoes 3
Covert Ops 4
Covert Ops 5
SKILLPLAN – Train before torpedoes lvl5 (T2 Torps)
Navigation 1
Warp Drive Operation 1
Navigation 2
Navigation 3
Navigation 4
Navigation 5
Evasive Maneuvering 1
Evasive Maneuvering 2
Evasive Maneuvering 3
Evasive Maneuvering 4
Evasive Maneuvering 5
Science 1
Science 2
Science 3
Science 4
Power Grid Management 1
Power Grid Management 2
Power Grid Management 3
Capacitor Management 1
Capacitor Management 2
Capacitor Management 3
Power Grid Management 4
Thermodynamics 1
Thermodynamics 2
Thermodynamics 3
Missile Launcher Operation 1
Missile Bombardment 1
Missile Bombardment 2
Missile Bombardment 3
Missile Bombardment 4
Bomb Deployment 1
Bomb Deployment 2
Bomb Deployment 3
Missile Launcher Operation 2
Missile Launcher Operation 3
Missile Launcher Operation 4
Warhead Upgrades 1
Warhead Upgrades 2
CPU Management 1
CPU Management 2
Long Range Targeting 1
Long Range Targeting 2
Long Range Targeting 3
Electronics Upgrades 1
Electronics Upgrades 2
Electronics Upgrades 3
Electronics Upgrades 4
Light Missiles 1
Light Missiles 2
Light Missiles 3
Heavy Missiles 1
Heavy Missiles 2
Heavy Missiles 3
Torpedoes 1
Torpedoes 2
Torpedoes 3
Electronics Upgrades 5
Spaceship Command 1
Spaceship Command 2
Spaceship Command 3
Covert Ops 1
Long Range Targeting 4
Warhead Upgrades 3
Thermodynamics 4
Torpedoes 4
Warhead Upgrades 4
SKILLPLAN – Minimum Skills Required for polarized
CPU Management 1
Signature Analysis 1
Signature Analysis 2
Signature Analysis 3
Target Management 1
Target Management 2
Target Management 3
Target Management 4
Science 1
Science 2
Science 3
Science 4
Power Grid Management 1
Power Grid Management 2
Power Grid Management 3
Capacitor Management 1
Capacitor Management 2
Capacitor Management 3
Power Grid Management 4
Thermodynamics 1
Thermodynamics 2
Thermodynamics 3
Navigation 1
Navigation 2
Warp Drive Operation 1
Warp Drive Operation 2
Warp Drive Operation 3
Warp Drive Operation 4
Warp Drive Operation 5
Evasive Maneuvering 1
Evasive Maneuvering 2
Evasive Maneuvering 3
Evasive Maneuvering 4
Evasive Maneuvering 5
Missile Launcher Operation 1
Missile Launcher Operation 2
Missile Launcher Operation 3
Missile Projection 1
Missile Projection 2
Missile Projection 3
Missile Launcher Operation 4
Warhead Upgrades 1
Warhead Upgrades 2
Rapid Launch 1
Rapid Launch 2
Rapid Launch 3
Light Missiles 1
Light Missiles 2
Light Missiles 3
Heavy Missiles 1
Heavy Missiles 2
Heavy Missiles 3
CPU Management 2
CPU Management 3
CPU Management 4
Electronics Upgrades 1
Electronics Upgrades 2
Electronics Upgrades 3
Spaceship Command 1
Spaceship Command 2
Spaceship Command 3
Missile Bombardment 1
Missile Bombardment 2
Missile Bombardment 3
Warhead Upgrades 3
Electronics Upgrades 4
Missile Bombardment 4
Bomb Deployment 1
Bomb Deployment 2
Bomb Deployment 3
Long Range Targeting 1
Long Range Targeting 2
Long Range Targeting 3
Long Range Targeting 4
Electronics Upgrades 5
Torpedoes 1
Covert Ops 1
Covert Ops 2
Covert Ops 3
Torpedoes 2
Torpedoes 3
Signature Analysis 4
Thermodynamics 4
Rapid Launch 4
Signature Analysis 5
Missile Projection 4
Covert Ops 4
Torpedoes 4
Bomb Deployment 4
Missile Launcher Operation 5
Warhead Upgrades 4
Long Range Targeting 5
Covert Ops 5
Torpedoes 5
Biology 1
Neurotoxin Control 1
Neurotoxin Control 2
Neurotoxin Recovery 1
Neurotoxin Control 3
Torpedo Specialization 1
Torpedo Specialization 2
Torpedo Specialization 3
Neurotoxin Recovery 2
Neurotoxin Recovery 3
Biology 2
Biology 3
Biology 4
Neurotoxin Control 4
Neurotoxin Recovery 4
Torpedo Specialization 4
Thermodynamics 5
Biology 5
Neurotoxin Control 5
Neurotoxin Recovery 5
Torpedo Specialization 5
Hunter Fleet:
These are a mix of Cynos, Bubbles, Tackle, and DPS; mostly logged off across our hunting area
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