The Pool Party Fleet
- Check our IN-GAME channel for:
- Staging location
- Fittings
- Shared Bookmarks Folder
- XXX for Fleet invite
- We have 2 staging systems
- 1st: Near GOONs
- 2nd: Near BRAVE
- Composed of 3 smaller Fleets
- Main Fleet
- Cov-alts
- Hunters (Many more alts)
Main Fleet:
Staging: Mj-5
The Main fleet combines Hecates, Interdictors, and Interceptors operating with a focus on mobility, high burst damage, and control over the battlefield.
The combination of high-speed tackle, high-damage bombers, and our log off traps creates a flexible and deadly force. We ask everyone to dual-box a toon in the Main Fleet and the Cov-ops Fleet. This increases overall fleet efficiency, as each bomber adds more firepower without significantly increasing the difficulty to operate both. As the bombers cyno in, your interceptor or Destroyer should be burning to max orbit or align out to something.

The fleet is designed for precision strikes—using speed, agility, and careful timing to outmaneuver and eliminate enemies before they can escape or retaliate effectively.
The Cov-ops alts bring the ability to deal heavy, concentrated damage quickly, particularly to larger targets, while maintaining the fleet’s core strengths of mobility and control. With the right timing and coordination, dual-boxing Cov-ops alts can turn the tide of an engagement, providing the fleet with a potent strike capability in addition to its already formidable control and harassment tactics. It’s a high-risk, high-reward playstyle, but when executed well, it’s incredibly effective in disrupting enemy operations and scoring quick kills.

The HekHATE,
Typically fit with blasters weapons for quick, high-damage close-range DPS, they serve as the primary damage dealers, only second to the Cov-alts Fleet.
Versatile utilities (such as web, scram, cap booster, and local armor repairer) give fleet the ability to kill medium to large sized targets without the need of the Cov-alts Fleet.
Also fit with Combat Probes the HekHATE can warp the entire fleet to directly to a target and engage at optimal range.
The Interceptor, (Cool name pending)
Known for their extreme speed and agility, they play the role of initial tackle, locking down targets with warp disruptors and scramblers, preventing enemy ships from escaping. Creating a fast-paced, mobile environment where, once engaged, enemies struggle to regroup or escape quick enough.
Their primary roll in the Main Fleet is to act as scouts, initial tackle, and a secondary DPS. Together, they can overwhelm targets swiftly, especially in more agile engagements (like gate games). With only 4 or 5 Blaster interceptors you can easily destroy small and medium sized targets, while holding heavier targets for the HekHATEs or even the Cov-alts Fleet. Naturally the job of initial tackle is to “Shotgun” each system. What does it mean to “Shotgun” you ask? It simply means to spread out and individually hunt for targets.
Every time the Fleet jumps into a system someone(with their DSCAN set to 360 degrees) will shout “Long” or “Short”.
- Shotgun Short means the target is within 14.4AU
- do 5 degree DScans on Anomalies and other locations
- Shotgun Long means no targets are within DScan range
- Blindly warp to locations farther than 14.4AU
Easily dual-boxed by bailing when secondary tackle is called or setting an orbit with your prop-mod on. Aligning out with your prop-mod on is generally a good thing do afk, while working your Cov-alt.

The Interdictor,
Primary function is to deploy warp disruption spheres (also called “bubbles”) to prevent enemy ships from warping out of a designated area. This creates a no-warp zone in which any ship that tries to warp will be caught in the bubble, forcing them to either fight or attempt to escape via other means (such as micro-jumping or using their propulsion modules to break tackle).
With a maximum distance of 300km Drag Bubbles can pull(or drag) the target past where it intended to warp.
In essence, the combination of Hecates, Interceptors, and Interdictors creates a fleet that’s highly mobile, capable of forcing engagements, and able to catch and hold enemies in place while the Cov-alts drop massive DPS.
Bringing a nano cruiser offers a mix of advantages and drawbacks.
A nano cruiser can be a great asset in small-scale PvP or hit-and-run tactics, offering speed, maneuverability, and tactical flexibility. However, it requires careful piloting, and its low tank and moderate damage output mean it can be vulnerable in certain situations, particularly against more powerful or well-coordinated fleets. When used correctly, though, it can disrupt enemy operations, target weaker or slower ships, and escape danger with ease.
- Disable fleet warp
- Best suited for single boxing
- Bring your own (No SRP)
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Hunter Fleet:
These are a mix of Cynos, Bubbles, Tackle, and DPS; mostly logged off across our hunting area
Contact COMPASS to join
Frequently Asked Questions
What is JC=RED?
A short period of time, typically a hour before fleet, till we judge numbers and commit to bringing our Cov-alts Fleet.
- If ping says JC=RED
- DO NOT Jump Clone or Login to staging system
- Look for a time frame
- If no ping
- You’re welcome to log into staging
- DM an FC for ship trades
- Lames comers speak up on Voice
PINGS are deleted after fleet
Missing roles in Discord?
Goto auth.lethal.family/groups
Join any of the 3 staging systems
- !POOLPARTY!: Staged near Goons
- Main Fleet
- Cov-alts
- Hunters
- DeleteBRAVE: Staged near BRAVE
- Lethal Family: Staged in Low-sec
- Lethal Family (NON-FW)
- Small gang
- Cov-alts
- Lethal Family – Faction Warfare (FW)
(Must be enlisted in Minmatar FW)- Small gang
- Cov-alts
- FL33T Fights
- Lethal Family (NON-FW)
Which Voice Comms do I join?
We primary use Discord
- A separate discord server may be linked
- Follow Instructions
- Join the public voice
- DM the FC to be moved to Fleet Voice
Ship Replacement program (SRP)
We will trade you a ship before fleet
- Please trade or contract it back after fleet
- If you die, you die.
Trades are not available while JC=RED